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Leadership of Chicken Licken

In the post we are will be explaining and defining topics around the topics of Brand Leadership and Leadership structures.

What is a Leadership Structure?

Leadership structure is a set of organisational powers of authority one department has over another. Every organisation has a set of these structures which they follow. A organisation will not be effective if they do not comply with a set of these rules. The standard hierarchy leadership structure starts with the chairman of the organisation at the top and board of directors, who set the goals and objectives for the company. Below them is the chief executive officer reports directly to the board of directors and has responsibility for running the company according to the goals and direction set by board.

Chicken Licken Leadership Structure and Division of Labour:

CEO - Area Managers - Restaurant General Managers - Assistant Managers - Trainee Manager - Customer Service Team - Food Service Team.

What are leadership styles?

Leadership Styles is a set routine for providing a scents of direction, implementing plans to meet objectives and motivation. There are many different set of styles and different outcomes from each one.

We are going to focus on 3 styles that are similar to our organisations styles.

1)The definition of Authoritarian style, is where the focus of power is with the manager, and all interactions within the group move towards the manager. The manager alone exercises decision-making and authority for determining policy, procedures for achieving goals.

2)Kotter(1990) expressed Democratic leadership style takes wishes and suggestions of employees into consideration. It is more a human relations approach, in which all members of the group are seen as equal, and they are all important contributors to the final decision.

3)Laissez-faire leadership style involves limited control or influence of leaders over his or her group members. A member is given a goal and mostly left alone to decide how to achieve it. The leaders function as one of the group member, and he only provide direction and suggestions when necessary.

Our Company Chicken Licken aims and focuses on Domestic leadership style.

Chicken Licken’s CEO George Sombonos, makes the big suggestion about the brand and they are then created, developed by the board of directors and sent back to the CEO for approval, once approval has been made the organisation can proceed with the idea. The goals of the company are still set by the leader however, it is up to the leader to direct his team into the right direction. According to our research with the brand, the company aims at creating a healthy brand image as well as satisfying their consumers and giving back to the public.

The role of leadership in the innovation culture

A culture of innovation is a situation that backs inventive thinking and advances endeavors to separate monetary and social quality from information, and, in doing as such, creates new or enhanced items, or services.

Leadership is required for innovation. Basically, the leader needs to understand what their role is. Secondly, the people need to understand their role, and finally, the environment needs to be able to respond to innovation.

The role of leader is essential. The leader is included from preparation through to the progressing environment expected to maintain innovation. The leader sets the tone, guarantees that individuals know about the key significance of innovation and makes it a player in the centre of the firm. (Bridle, 2016)

If the leaders at the top are not dedicated to, and exhibiting their dedication to, innovation in the firm, then it won't be considered important. Whatever is imperative at the top is what is centred around at the lower levels. At the end of the day if the center at Board level is on the numbers, sparing expenses and the business, then the general population are centered around the numbers, deals figures and saving cash. Individuals won't concentrate on things that are not going to be recognised by the leader (Bridle, 2016)

Whilst all these figures are imperative and are not to be underestimated, it makes the point that if the leadership are not setting innovation up there along sales, costs and other essential parts of the business, then it is not shocking that innovation is not given the validity or the centre required. The amazing thing is; for some organisations, if innovation was high on the plan, it would help sales, lessen costs and make opportunities.

Innovation does require collaboration and a leader must be able to make innovation possible in team.

5 ways for leaders to enable innovation in a team

  1. Trust Yourself to Trust Others

Innovation requires separating the old principles of thought and making new ones. This implies every individual from the team must turn out to be more straightforward than any other time in recent memory. In that capacity, every individual from the team must trust themselves enough to believe each other. When you can finish this trust, you turn out to be more patient, a superior audience and after some time more thankful for the new encounters and connections that are being put together.

  1. Collaborate and Discover

It's not until you start to trust yourself as well as other people that genuine coordinated effort flourishes. Cooperation is about working firmly together, as well as about taking conviction based actions together to find better approaches for deduction and make more noteworthy results.

You never know which thought will come to fruition into the new innovation that makes effect and impact in the commercial center – whether another procedure, item, bundling, bit of information, and so forth.

  1. Communicate to Learn

Without solid communication, teams can't discover their cadence and they absolutely won't discover the things they are searching for to fabricate trust and collaborate. The way in which you impart sets the tone and drives thinking in an assortment of bearings that prompts new innovations.

A team ought to view themselves as an innovation lab continually challenge each other to gain from each other's thoughts and standards and to plant the seeds for future innovations.

  1. Be a Courageous Change Agent

For teams to advance, leaders must test every team part to think all the more basically and transparent a lens of consistent change. Looking through this viewpoint requires the attitude of a "valiant empowering agent" – one who assumes responsibility and grasps the part of a change operator in backing of productive interruption that at last improves things work and enhances execution.

Each leader must turn into a change operator or face eradication. All things considered, their teams should similarly be charged to do likewise. Tolerating the part of a change operator implies tackling an entrepreneurial disposition, holding onto hazard as the new typical, and starting to see opportunity in everything. As you do, innovation turns out to be second nature.

  1. Course Correct to Perfect

To locate the perfect blend of individuals on a team, pioneers should frequently course correct along the way. Yes, perfection is ideal world however course correction steers you nearer to the guarantee of the culture you are endeavouring to make. Course correction additionally keeps individuals on their toes and shows them to adjust to new situations, where they can showcase their capacities and expertise sets to new individuals and identities in various circumstances and circumstances.

To successfully course correct – and make and manage force for development, innovation and opportunity – I've generally trusted that each pioneer must put forth the accompanying three inquiries: 1) What must I continue doing? 2) What must I quit doing? and 3) What must I begin doing? Straightforward inquiries that we don't ask ourselves regularly enough and must consider ourselves responsible to reply(, 2016).

How does Chicken Lickens leadership encourage innovation?

Chicken Licken has allowed innovation to come through from basic employees of the past that lead to major changes in the brand

George Sombonos had allowed his employees to make big changes to the brand

“In January 1981, Sombonos formed a company called Golden Fried Chicken, which was to be the new name until a waiter came up with a better one - Chicken Licken – which cost only R300 to register. It is a logo that is worth millions today.” (, 2016)

Chicken Licken has a leadership style that is democratic and this means that the people who are in high positions in the company aren’t necessarily the ones who come up with all the ideas because in a democratic leadership style the CEO will allow any staff to give suggestions that may lead to innovation just like how the founder of Chicken Licken took a suggestion from a waiter and changed the name of the brand completely and that just shows how much trust the founder had for his staff and if that does not encourage innovation then I don’t know what will.

democracies are, by definition, set apart by a solid regulating responsibility to innovation and change, and every vote based administration must try to produce innovations both to keep their essential guarantee and to secure their own particular survival. (Democracy and innovation: from institutions to agency and leadership, 2016)

Who Am I?

A Team run by two post graduates from Vega, Thivesan Naicker and Nikeel Sewrajh. These two individuals are passionate about making a change.

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